Abstract art is considered hostile respect to a more direct and realistic form of communication since it defends the supremacy of painting over its representative function. It is a state of chaos or crisis, a disturbed but fertile field in which the fragmented parts can rebuild into new connections to discover, recognize and understand the underlying, unspoken and implicit assumptions.
It is a state of chaos or crisis, a disturbed but fertile field in which the fragmented parts can rebuild into new connections to discover, recognize and understand the underlying, unspoken and implicit assumptions.

Especially in a moment of super fast and superficial consumption, my goal is to explode the visual suggestions evoked by the images to give them a new meaning.
By overwriting my aesthetic vision on a pre-existing one, destined for a completely different use, I deconstruct and at the same time create something new, which was not there before, adding my vision to the pre-existing levels.

Deconstructivism identifies certain crucial oppositions, binary structures of meaning and value that constitute the discourse of "Western metaphysics". These include, among many others, the distinctions between form and content, thought and perception, essence and appearance, concept and metaphor, destruction and construction.
I like to define my intervention as a form of semiotic alteration of the image. A manipulation of the paper surface which, through different signs, consistencies and textures, distorts and manipulates the signifying structure giving life to a new meaning.